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T.O.P.S. is an Australia wide orthoptic locum agency connecting orthoptists and ophthalmic clinics around Australia providing a simple and effective means of orthoptic locum placement and recruitment.

T.O.P.S was started in 1990 by 2 orthoptists who saw a niche market in providing quality locum orthoptic staff to ophthalmology clinics around Melbourne. 

Soon we were filling locum positions around Melbourne, in rural Victoria and interstate, with locum placements in Western Australia, South Australia, Queensland and New South Wales. We have also recruited orthoptists for available positions, and advertised many job vacancies for clinics around Australia.


We are now proud to announce that we have a new MOBILE APP!!

The T.O.P.S. Members App is a quick and efficient tool to view and accept available sessions for clinics.

If you are an orthoptist, practice manager or ophthalmologist, the T.O.P.S. Client App allows you to request Orthoptic locums, request an appropriate orthoptist and see live when locum requests have been accepted!

Contact us to download the appropriate App



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